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Kalin is the best kid a father could hope for. Her new favorite thing to do is jump on the bed while listening to, "fast music"...or "rock music". She even says "shout, shout", when I put on the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43D7qI9RuLs&feature=related (which she loves).
Yesterday we were watching a hockey game during dinner, and two guys started fighting. Kalin jumped up and started running around the living room yelling "fists"...then she picked up her stuffed animal Dumbo and started boxing him.
She's also so sweet, prays for any little cut,scratch or thing that she thinks may be hurting you. I'm always amazed how smart she is, while walking through the mall, she looked up at a baby clothes store called Please Mum...and she pointed to it and said "m". We're so blessed to have her.