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Kalin weights 9 kgs now, is eating a lot more food, is still basically bald and her first real word(besides mama and dada) that she understands what she is saying is the word "hot". Because we sleep right in front of the heater our "headboard" (a big mirror) gets a bit warm if you touch it, so we always tell Kalin that it's hot. So the other morning when she woke up she put her hand on the mirror, took it off quickly, looked at her hand and said "hot" a few times. 
Another cute thing is everytime she hears a telephone ring she puts her hand to her ear and says "hello" (well... it's more like..."ahhhooo")
She's also able to do the actions to the first part of "open, shut them...give your hands a clap", and she also likes "round and round and garden" and "this little piggy". The above pic is her first time in a swing...the bus stopped (on the way to Bulgaria) and there was a playground across the street. She loved the swing. 
Sorry if this blog is way too ditailed about Kalin's every move, but it's also serving the purpose as a log/diary for us to keep tract of and maybe she'll also be interested when she is older. 
Oh if anyone knows of some good educational baby videos let me know, as she has the Baby Einstein seris memorized already.