6:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

1:01 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Here's some pictures of the mountain of food we ordered. The kitchen was going to close their all-you-can-eat sushi, we figured we'd only have enough time for one order...so we basically ordered everything on the menu. I didn't get a picture with everything we got, but here's some. Of course Kalin didn't eat anything but a few bites of rice...so Darlene and I packed our faces. Oh yeah, we also had a time limit cause she had to go to Salsa class. I think thats the last time we're going out for sushi for a while.

4:02 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

"Borderlands is a science fiction role-playing shooter (a first-person shooter with RPG elements) that was developed by Gearbox Software."

"In the distant future, several colonization ships journey to Pandora, a planet on the edge of the galaxy. The colonists are drawn to the planet in search of a better life and the prospect of striking it rich by claiming the vast deposits of mineral resources rumored to be there. After finally arriving, the colonists discover that the planet is barren of anything of significant value other than deteriorated alien ruins scattered across the land. Those who can afford to do so leave Pandora, and the lives of those who remain revolve around chaos and lawlessness. Some of the settlers seek to get rich quick by discovering alien technology, but most others are just trying to survive. After seven Earth years, Pandora's orbit brings it to the transition from winter to spring, and many horrifying creatures emerge from hibernation.
A beacon of hope for the remaining colonists emerges in the form of a mysterious vault carved in the side of a mountain. This vault is said to contain vast stores of alien technology and secrets. However, the people who discovered the vault were completely wiped out by some sort of protective force, and the only evidence of their discovery is a scattered radio transmission proclaiming the vault's majesty, but not its location."

Some people are saying this game might have a chance to win RPG game of the year, and although I thought it was very good overall, I think that the lack of a good ending for the story line, not enough interaction between objects on the map, and a few other small things that could have made it more enjoyable...it might fall to 2nd or 3rd place. Don't get me wrong...I really liked it...but with, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Left 4 Dead 2, coming out before the new year, Borderlands should have stepped up just a bit to compete. Overall, I give this 8/10. If you liked Fallout 3...you'll enjoy Borderlands.

Good Points: Tons of guns (some are customizable), missions that don't get dull, boring, or make you do the same thing over and over (i.e. Assassin's Creed 1), Vehicles are fun to drive, upgrade, and run over the bad guys.

3:49 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

12:53 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Kalin is the best kid a father could hope for. Her new favorite thing to do is jump on the bed while listening to, "fast music"...or "rock music". She even says "shout, shout", when I put on the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43D7qI9RuLs&feature=related (which she loves).
Yesterday we were watching a hockey game during dinner, and two guys started fighting. Kalin jumped up and started running around the living room yelling "fists"...then she picked up her stuffed animal Dumbo and started boxing him.
She's also so sweet, prays for any little cut,scratch or thing that she thinks may be hurting you. I'm always amazed how smart she is, while walking through the mall, she looked up at a baby clothes store called Please Mum...and she pointed to it and said "m". We're so blessed to have her.